Dragon Ball FighterZ Has Shipped Over 5 Million Units; Xenoverse 2 at 6 Million

Today Bandai Namco announced shipment milestones for two of its recent Dragon Ball games. Freebies are also coming for all players to celebrate.

According to the announcement made by the official Twitter account of the Dragon Ball game franchise, Dragon Ball FighterZ passed five million shipments worldwide.

On top of that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is now at over 6 million units shipped.

To celebrate, anyone who logs into FighterZ between May 21 y May 28 will receive 3 special lobby characters, Android 21 Special 01, Goku (SSGSS) Special 01, y Vegeta (SSGSS) Special 01, on top of five million Zeni.

Those who log into Xenoverse 2 starting today will receive 66 TP Medals, while the acquisition of TP Medals y experience in the game will be multiplied respectively by 1.5 y two. Special raid boss battles will also be implemented.

詳細はこちら⇒https://t.co/HyBTYCrDlo#DBFZ pic.twitter.com/G94WmRiZt9

— 「ドラゴンボール」家庭用ゲーム公式 (@dbgame_official) May 21, 2020


⇒https://t.co/x27P4SYwQl pic.twitter.com/ZmvKGe2131

— 「ドラゴンボール」家庭用ゲーム公式 (@dbgame_official) May 21, 2020

Dragon Ball FighterZ is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, y PC. 

If you want to know why it’s so well-loved by the fans, you can check out our review.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is also currently available for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, y PC. If you want to read more about the game, you can check out our review.


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