Espada Art Online Alicization Lycoris Gets New Gameplay Trailer y Videos Showing its Heroines

Today Bandai Namco Entertainment released a new trailer of its upcoming JRPG Espada Art Online Alicization Lycoris.

The trailer focuses on battle gameplay showing how it works y also provides a brief explanation for those who are unfamiliar with the title.

On top of the trailer, we also get a series of videos focusing on a few of the heroines that we’ll be able to meet in the game y that will join our party, 

These include Asuna, Sinon, y Leafa. More will be showcased over the upcoming days until the game launches.



⇓ゲームの情報はこちらをチェック⇓ #sao_anime #SAOAL #アリリコ

— ソードアート・オンライン ゲーム公式情報 (@sao_gameinfo) June 28, 2020



⇓ゲームの最新情報はこちらをチェック⇓ #sao_anime #SAOAL #アリリコ

— ソードアート・オンライン ゲーム公式情報 (@sao_gameinfo) June 29, 2020



⇓ゲームの最新情報はこちらをチェック⇓ #sao_anime #SAOAL #アリリコ

— ソードアート・オンライン ゲーム公式情報 (@sao_gameinfo) June 30, 2020

If you want to learn more about Espada Art Online Alicization Lycoris, you can enjoy a recent look at gameplay, the latest screenshots, another gallery, the recent reveal of the traditional fanservice scenes in bed, two gameplay trailers featuring Kirito y Asuna respectively, on top of a video showing the first meeting between Asuna y Alice, the first look at Tiese y Ronye, extensive gameplay from a few months ago, y the previous trailer.

If you’d rather take a look at something a bit more lighthearted, you can check out a new promotional stunt launched by Bandai Namco, promising a social network full of positivity.

Espada Art Online Alicization Lycoris has recently been delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic y is coming for PS4, Xbox One, y PC.


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