Mejores Sims 4 Mods que debes tener en 2020 – Top 200+ Mods

He aquí los mejores Sims 4 mods que deberías descargar ahora. Estos son los Sims 4 que deben tener mods y no podrás jugar normalmente una vez que los hayas probado.

Gracias a la comunidad por mantener viva la serie y a los modders por mejorar el juego.

¡Como siempre, asegúrese de leer las descripciones de cada mod y verifique si hay posibles conflictos con otras modificaciones que haya instalado!

Cómo instalar Sims 4 mods

Cuando se trata de usar modificaciones de Sims 4, primero debes instalarlas. Puedes consultar nuestra práctica guía sobre cómo instalar mods y contenido personalizado en Los Sims 4 aquí. ¡Eso es todo lo que podemos decir!

Centro de comando MC

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Primero que nada para esta publicación, tuve que golpearlos con esta. Es, con mucho, uno de los mejores modos de Sims 4 de todos los tiempos. No, uno de los mejores mods de Sims de todos los tiempos.

El mod Master Controller no es nada nuevo en esta larga serie. Los modders de toda la vida lo saben bien, y Deaderpool lo ha modificado y oficialmente agregado a TS4. Descárguelos aquí.

Para aquellos que no saben qué está pasando con este mod, es más probable preguntar qué NO ESTÁ HACIENDO. Estas son algunas de las características que definitivamente mejorarán tu juego:

  • Progresión de la historia para hogares que ni siquiera juegas. Es decir, las personas quedarán embarazadas, casadas, divorciadas, cambiarán de trabajo, recibirán manutención de los hijos y más.
  • Todos los trucos a tu alcance. No más cosas para escribir, simplemente puede hacer clic en los menús y conseguir fácilmente el truco que desee. Esto incluye embarazos, carrera, relaciones, etc.
  • ¡Limpiar! Hace que sea muy fácil limpiar todos los personajes atrapados o cosas por el estilo.
  • Viene con cambios de woohoo que agregan mucha más profundidad al embarazo en el juego.

Sims 4 mods de corrección de retraso

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Este, este mod y este son otros de los mods increíblemente útiles y imprescindibles en el marco general de los mods de Sims 4. Ambos solucionarán directamente algunos problemas de retraso que enfrentan todos los jugadores, incluso aquellos con PC increíbles. .

Estos tipos de modificaciones también son una necesidad absoluta si su PC también es inferior a la punta. Corrige el retraso que a veces tiene sims de pie durante horas, corrige los retrasos de autonomía, corrige mucho.

Cuando cortas segundos enteros en estas pausas extrañas, seguramente verás resultados impresionantes a largo plazo y tendrás más tiempo de juego.

Rebanada de vida

rebanada de vida sims mod

Este increíble mod de Sims proviene de KawaiiStacie y se llama Slice of Life.

Lo que hace este mod es agregar realismo a tu juego, dando a todos los modelos de personajes cambios físicos basados ​​en su estado de ánimo y beneficios. Por ejemplo, si tu Sim tiene vergüenza de hablar con alguien que encuentra atractivo, sus mejillas comenzarán a sonrojarse.

Hay algunos otros cambios en la apariencia y nuevas emociones que vienen con el mod Slice of Life, por lo que si estás buscando un poco de realismo de los Sims, pruébalo.

Explore Mod

explorar mod, sims 4

Este módulo de exploración de Sims 4 también proviene de KawaiiStacie y permite que tu Sim abandone el campo a través de agujeros de conejo y regrese con mejoras, patrones y habilidades y relaciones.

Con este mod puedes incluso ir de compras, arreglarte las uñas y vivir tu mejor vida.

Se beneficia de más tiempo libre día a día, los lugares no están cerca del mal tiempo y también puede consultar los horarios de apertura / cierre de los campos a través del menú Explorador.

Mejores Sims 4 Mods

No más tristeza de peces

Por lo general, a las sirenas de Los Sims 4 no les gusta comer pescado, lo que tiene sentido cuando lo piensas. Según el creador del mod, "¡Tus sims ya no recibirán beneficios negativos para comer pescado, pescado, trampas vacías o ver peces montados!" También suprimirá la reacción "asqueada" de comer alimentos a base de pescado. "

Descarguelo aqui.

Cabeza alienígena

mejores sims 4 mods

El modder que se le ocurrió esto estaba harto de la forma en que los extraterrestres se veían originalmente en Los Sims 4, por lo que decidieron crear sus propias cabezas alienígenas que parecen sacadas directamente de Roswell

Puedes descargar este mod de Sims 4 aquí.

Construye tu propia casa flotante

Este mod transforma los modelos de barcos de Los Sims en casas de botes reales en las que puedes vivir dentro del juego. Puedes alejarte de los humanos que deambulan por la tierra y aislarte en medio de un gran lago o algo. Puedes descargar este mod aquí.

Practica privada

los sims 4 cuidado de la salud

Este mod proviene de SimRealist y le permite reelaborar fundamentalmente el sistema de salud del juego, lo que facilita que su Sim reciba atención médica.

Puedes hacer que revisen a tu Sim simplemente usando un teléfono y llamando a tu médico, y si siempre quisiste que tu Sim tuviera una carrera en ciencias de la salud, bueno, ahora puedes hacerlo con este mod.


sims 4 mods, cuenta bancaria

Este mod de SNBank también proviene de SimRealist y crea un extenso sistema financiero que le permite a su Sim tener cuentas bancarias como lo hace en la vida real.

El mod incluye una auditoría de una cuenta de ahorros, un sistema de transferencia, tarjetas de crédito, préstamos, chequeras e incluso un sistema de presupuesto.

Con todas estas nuevas características, puede crear escenarios que implican devolver dinero o pedir un préstamo para comprar una casa o algo así.

Puedes dejar volar tu imaginación con el mod SNBank y agregar más realismo a tu juego de Sims.

Dale más funciones a tus Sims

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Si has jugado TS3 antes, es posible que te hayas sentido un poco estafado al crear una personalidad para tu Sim en The Sims 4.

Ambos juegos usaron un sistema de rasgos para dar a cada Sim su propio personaje, pero la última instalación del juego redujo el número de rasgos que un Sim podría tener de 6 a 3 (sin contar el rasgo de bonificación TS4 vinculado) a la aspiración de un Sim.)

El mod Add More CAS Traits de Embyr311 elimina esta limitación y le permite agregar rasgos adicionales a cualquier Sim.

Puede mantener esto en un número equilibrado, como 6, o volverse completamente loco y hacer que su Sim sea una explosión de personalidad al agregar todos los rasgos posibles. Finalmente, tus Sims pueden ser los más inteligentes con las historias más extrañas.

Nuevos rasgos de Sim

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Para usar las ubicaciones de rasgos adicionales que tu Sim ahora puede contener, ¡debes investigar los nuevos rasgos que los modders están ofreciendo para nuestras familias!

¿Quieres un Sim distraído que esté aturdido por defecto? ¡Entonces lanza el mod Sims 4 Traits Absent-Minded! ¿O tal vez el Sim que estás creando es un buscador divertido que se aburre automáticamente a menos que haga cosas divertidas en cualquier momento?

Parece una simulación realmente difícil de impresionar, pero está bien, ¡descárgala! Gente arrogante, ¡regocíjate! ¡Te avergonzarás después de cada fracaso con el mod Arrogant Trait!

¿Quieres irónicamente amar las cosas? Se un hipster. Caliéntate con el atractivo mod mod. Atrapa un poco de paranoia o sé socialmente incómodo.

Diablos, incluso hay este, que agrega 100 nuevos rasgos, todo en uno. Eso solo definitivamente lo convierte en un gran mod de Sims 4.

Asegúrate de seguir revisando, ya que aparecen nuevas modificaciones de rasgos cada mes. Puedes ver nuestra guía sobre más de las mejores modificaciones de rasgos de Sims 4 aquí, así como cómo cambiar realmente los rasgos aquí.

Llevar habilidades de por vida

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

¿No es estúpido ver cómo tu pequeño, a pesar de todas las habilidades posibles al máximo, se convierte en un idiota tan pronto como envejece? Bueno, este ya no debería ser el caso!

Al igual que en la vida real, tu sim puede trabajar duro para desarrollar sus habilidades como un niño pequeño y todo sigue siendo importante cuando se convierte en un niño con él.

El creador del mod da este ejemplo: "¡Si logras maximizar las habilidades mentales y creativas cuando eres niño, obtendrás una bonificación adicional a tus habilidades de manejo en la adolescencia!"

Básicamente, a medida que aumenta las habilidades de su niño pequeño y su hijo, luego ponen puntos en la habilidad adecuada a medida que crecen. Y mira la imagen de arriba para conseguir una descripción general de la distribución de habilidades.

Ser capaz de perder todo tu progreso con tus habilidades lo convierte en una adición instantánea a nuestro mejor artículo sobre las modificaciones de Sims 4.

Super Speed ​​Boost

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Hay muchos momentos en la vida de tu Sim que solo quieres ignorar. Desafortunadamente, a veces el nivel de velocidad más alto no es suficiente.

A menudo, el juego incluso se bloquea mientras tu Sim está durmiendo o en el trabajo y no llega al máximo nivel de velocidad.

Es por eso que este mod SupeSpeed ​​es tan vital; a veces simplemente no quieres ver a tu Sim roncar durante tres minutos. Sin embargo, tenga cuidado, puede ponerse un poco raro si lo usa mucho.

Automatizar modificaciones de tareas

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En Los Sims 4, todos los diferentes aspectos sucios que afectan a los hogares de tus Sims (como charcos, basura, etc.) les darán un estado de ánimo negativo. Aunque solo puedes decirles que lo limpien, es un poco molesto que no solo lo automaticen ellos mismos, ¿verdad?

Bueno, este mod ayuda con eso! Esto hace que se inclinen a querer de forma independiente limpiar su desagradable miseria.

También existe este que tiene que ver con la autonomía y las tareas. Si hay un aspecto exasperante de Los Sims, es que son tan buenos viviendo en la miseria. Cuando le pides a alguien que recoja un plato, ¿no tendría sentido lavarlo o tirarlo?

Con este mod, lo hacen. No solo se sientan extrañamente con el objeto que les dijiste que recogieran con la esperanza de que se limpiaran después de sí mismos. Ah, y si quieres que paguen las facturas, aquí hay una para eso.

Además, si hay mucho trabajo de jardinería, ¡considere hacerlo para un trabajo automático con el pulgar verde! Cuando se trata de tarea, si quieres que tus sims lo hagan solos, existe este mod.

Si sus sims están estresados, también puede hacerlos trotar automáticamente para despejar sus mentes con eso. Además, cuando alguien está "enfocado", ¡es hora de actualizar ciertos artículos! Use este mod para hacerlos automáticamente.

Y finalmente, si quieres que tus sims comiencen a reparar objetos rotos en la casa, descárgalo.

Múltiples tareas, un Sim

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Este es realmente otro ejemplo de un mod que debería estar en el juego desde el principio. Con esto, tus sims pueden tener múltiples trabajos en diferentes carreras.

Es perfecto para desempeñar un papel en una familia en dificultades que solo está tratando de ganarse la vida con múltiples trabajos o, como saben, para cualquier familia sim que quiera ganar mega dinero al precio. de sus necesidades realmente satisfechas.

Es bueno saber que los cheques de jubilación serán tan buenos y grandes, ¿verdad?

Cualquier mod que nos ponga en marcha, "wow, ¿por qué no está eso ya en el juego?" es digno de estar en uno de nuestros artículos sobre las mejores modificaciones de Sims 4.

Pierde y gana personaje más rápido

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Si obtuvo el paquete Parenthood bien revisado (que debería tener), su niño pequeño, niños y adolescentes pueden conseguir "carácter" de diferentes maneras.

También pueden perderlo y convertirse en miembros despreciables de la sociedad. Pero si lo tienes, también sabes que se necesita edad. Bueno, esa es otra historia con este mod! Esto permite que tus sims ganen o pierdan en uno de los 5 rasgos de personaje más rápido que antes.

Instálelo si descubrió que tenía problemas con esta parte del paquete.

Corrección de eventos de conejos.

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Aquí hay otro mod que resuelve completamente un gran problema en el juego. Puede que lo hayas notado tú mismo. Cada vez que se invita a su tarjeta SIM a algún lugar como el Circus o una casa de ópera y usted dice "Sí", generalmente no importa. ¡Tu tarjeta SIM no irá a ninguna parte!

Bueno, este mod corrige esto para que cualquier evento especial al que esté invitado active su tarjeta SIM para que se lance en el momento dado más adelante en el día. ¿Una solución al juego básico? Absolutamente uno de los mejores mods de Sims 4.

Pasarán un buen rato y volverán con más experiencias después del final del evento. No podrá controlarlos allí, pero eso definitivamente resuelve ese problema.

Desbloquea todos los elementos bloqueados

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Un nuevo y genial mecanismo en Los Sims 4 que realmente te alienta a jugar varias veces en el juego es bloquear ciertos elementos hasta que hayas alcanzado un nivel de carrera profesional específico.

La desventaja de esto es el tiempo que realmente te llevará desbloquearlos a todos, y cuán geniales son la mayoría de ellos. Puedes jugar a través del juego y progresar, o simplemente instalar el mod Unlocker de Sims 4 BuildBuyMode.

Podrás comprar cada artículo e incluso ser elegible para habitaciones prefabricadas con clase y totalmente por encima de tu nivel de creatividad.

Trabaja desde casa para más trabajos

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Para aquellos de ustedes que han obtenido City Living, saben que ciertas carreras les permiten "trabajar desde casa". Esto puede ser realmente genial en algunos días, ya que lleva mucho menos tiempo y tendrá el control total de su tarjeta SIM desde su hogar / donde quiera que vaya.

Es genial, tal como se hace en la vida real. Pero, ¿por qué los activistas, críticos y estrellas de las redes sociales se divierten? ¡Bueno, hay una serie de modders que también fabrican mods para adaptarse a otras carreras!

  • Culinario
  • Delincuente
  • Astronauta
  • Tech Guru
  • Negocios
  • Artista
  • Atleta
  • Pintor
  • Escritor

Corte de luz

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Aquí hay uno divertido que vino con la llegada del paquete Seasons. ¡Este mod garantiza que los rayos puedan causar directamente un corte de energía en la casa de tus sims! Pop los juegos de mesa y las linternas, porque esta tormenta es un poco rocosa!

Piensa en todos los juegos de rol divertidos que puedes tener.

Este es excepcionalmente interesante para mí, como una persona que vive en un refugio de huracanes. ¡Es completamente aleatorio e incluso los estados de ánimo se ven afectados cuando sucede!

Mod asesino en serie

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A menudo, estas modificaciones muy granuladas se agregan a TS4 que le permiten vivir fantasías bastante enfermas o desempeñar un papel en la vida de sus thrillers desagradables favoritos.

En este caso, existe el mod asesino en serie que, como puedes imaginar, permite que tus sims se conviertan en asesinos.

¡Cualquier cosa que agregue más juegos de rol al juego es A-O-K en nuestros libros!

Mejores Vampire Sims 4 Mods

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Para aquellos de ustedes que tienen el paquete de Vampiros, les alegrará saber que hay muchas mejoras que pueden descargar para mejorar el juego.

Realmente depende de tus preferencias, pero estos son algunos de los mejores modos de Sims 4 Vampire que te gustaría tener en tus manos, y puedes encontrar más información en nuestra guía aquí.

  • Beber profundamente mata
  • Rodaje autónomo
  • Puntos débiles eliminados
  • Duelos mortales
  • Mantén a los vampiros fuera del vecindario
  • Más poderes

Más sims

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

¿Alguna vez ha tenido la impresión de que todos los lotes de simulación están un poco vacíos? ¿Como si fuera realmente fácil cruzar a todos en una noche? Bueno, este mod que agrega muchos más sims a cada lote usando matemáticas sofisticadas es perfecto para tu ser social.

Ahora el mundo puede sentirse mucho más grande en tu pequeña ciudad de simulación. Mira, todo lo que hace que el mundo sea más vivo y transpirable es una ventaja en nuestros libros.

Vacaciones reelaboradas

Sims 4, mejores mods, deben tener mods, sims 4 mods, deben tener sims 4 mods, mejores mods, mods

Seasons fue un paquete excepcional para la serie por muchas razones. ¡Un gran ser que puedes celebrar las fiestas ahora! Muchos, todos ustedes. Y rápidamente, los modders salieron en masa para reorganizar todo de una forma u otra.

Si no desea pasar tiempo en vacaciones adicionales, lo tienen cubierto. Hay una variedad de modificaciones para esto, pero aquí hay algunas:

  • 11 nuevas vacaciones personalizadas
  • Tradiciones sobre el tema de las mascotas.

Control Animal

los sims 4, mod animal

Tener animales para jugar es genial en TS4, pero con este mod puedes controlar a tus mascotas, convirtiéndolas en personajes jugables.

Los perros y los gatos tendrán sus propias necesidades y comportamientos para elegir. Si estás cansado de jugar como un humano aburrido, ¿por qué no tratar de vivir la vida de una mascota?

Puede descargar este mod aquí si está interesado.

Entrenar animales para ser valientes

mods de mascotas

Con el módulo de entrenamiento contra el miedo de LittleMsSam, puedes enseñar a tus animales a ser más seguros y valientes en lugar de tener miedo de todo.

Siempre que tu mascota tenga miedo de algo, puedes calmarlo. Cuanto más lo hagas, más niveles alcanzará tu mascota, lo que permitirá que todos sus miedos se desactiven lentamente.

Ya no tendrán miedo de que se apaguen las microondas, por lo que puede cocinar sus palomitas de maíz en paz por una vez en su vida.

Píldora anti-calor

mods de calor, sims 4

LittleMsSam tiene otro mod genial para TS4 que ayuda a eliminar el calor de tus mascotas. Al tomar esta píldora, que puede hacer o comprar en una máquina expendedora, los efectos bloquearán los síntomas de calor de su mascota durante 21 días.

Esto significa que ya no podrán tener bebés con otros animales. Y si su mascota ya está en celo, tomar esta píldora eliminará inmediatamente los síntomas.

Puede ser estresante cuidar una tonelada de perros y gatos, pero ahora ya no tiene que preocuparse por estas cosas.

Haz que otros Sims paseen a tu perro

paseador de perros mod sims 4

Tener un perro es uno de los mayores tesoros de la vida; Siempre tener un amigo fiel a tu lado es una sensación como ninguna otra, pero el hecho de que tenemos que pasear a nuestros perros día tras día es simplemente lo peor.

Afortunadamente con este mod, puedes pedirle a cualquier Sim en tu campo que pasee a tu perro por ti, lo que te permite relajarte mientras alguien más está haciendo tu trabajo. .

Y consiga esto: ¡incluso puede pedirles a sus propios hijos que paseen a los perros también!

Alquiler Dogwalkers

Mod Dogwalker

El último mod que acabamos de mostrar le ha permitido pasear a otros perros en su propiedad con su perro, pero esto le permite contratar a un paseador de perros y un corredor de perros para llevar cuida a tu mascota cuando estés extremadamente ocupado con la vida.

Si ha instalado la última modificación, puede pedirle que bañe a su perro después de que haya terminado de caminar / trotar.

Puedes descargar este mod aquí.

Pasea a tus gatos

sims 4, pasear a los gatos

No dejes que los juicios de las personas decidan tu vida por ti. Escucha, si quieres ponerle una correa a tu gato y llevarlo afuera, se te debe permitir hacerlo sin ser juzgado.

Si las personas pueden llevar a su perro afuera, ¿por qué no puedes llevar a tu gato a pasear al sol? Con este mod, puedes lucir a tu linda gatita y llevarla a pasear.

Paseos de perros para satisfacer necesidades

mods animales, sims 4

LittleMsSam tiene otro mod de perro que le permite satisfacer las necesidades de su mascota simplemente caminando.

Las necesidades de afecto, juego, tripa y vejiga de su perro se cumplirán si los pasea. No tendrá que hacer nada más por su mascota que no sea pasearlo; nos gustaría que fuera así de simple en la vida real.

Caminar más animales

los sims 4 mejores mods

Puede ser muy molesto tener que llevar a sus mascotas por separado, especialmente si tiene 3 o más mascotas. Pero gracias a este mod de LittleMsSam, hay un método para encargarse de estas tareas al mismo tiempo.

Con este mod, ahora podrás llevar a más de un animal a caminar al mismo tiempo, dejándote más tiempo en tu día para trabajar en otras cosas.

Las personas a veces pueden pasear a tres perros a la vez en la vida real, por lo que este mod se puede descargar si quieres probarlo tú mismo.

Pasear al perro con niños

Otra forma de fortalecer el nivel de responsabilidad de los niños y adolescentes en TS4 es dejarlos salir a caminar. Esta no es una característica disponible en el juego principal, pero con este mod, ahora es posible.

Dado que la animación creada aquí para este mod no está destinada a niños, algunas partes del paseo pueden tener errores y los niños pueden parecer estirados por un tiempo, pero la función aún funciona bien.

Gracias también a LittleMsSam por este.

Caminatas rápidas

mods para sims 4

Dependiendo de la configuración de su vecindario, este mod le dará la opción de caminar rápido antes de salir con su perro, y le dará la ruta más rápida posible.

Este mod es genial si pasas demasiado tiempo caminando con tu mascota y puede darte más tiempo para salir y hacer cualquier otra cosa.

Puedes descargar este mod aquí si quieres verlo.

Los animales pueden encontrar objetos en cualquier piso

Originalmente, sus mascotas en TS4 no pueden detectar los tazones de comida o agua en su hogar si las cosas están en un piso separado.

Con este mod, tu mascota podrá satisfacer sus necesidades, a pesar de la ubicación de los cuencos y las cajas de arena.

En lugar de dejar que se mueran de hambre o orinar en el piso dentro de la casa, esto debería hacer las cosas un poco más fáciles para su mascota y para los propietarios.

Puede consultarlo aquí si está lo suficientemente interesado.

Vacaciones temáticas de mascotas

los sims 4 mods mascotas

¿Quién no quiere pasar un día entero celebrando a su mascota? Con este mod, puedes descubrir un montón de tradiciones navideñas personalizadas que te permiten mimar a tu mascota en su día especial.

Puedes jugar con tu mascota con la ayuda de un láser de luz roja, puedes preparar una comida especial para tu mascota y también puedes enseñarle trucos para mostrarle la mascota. ;amor.

Los cumpleaños de mascotas son algo que nunca, nunca se debe pasar por alto, ni siquiera en Los Sims 4.

Haz que tus mascotas queden embarazadas

mods de mascotas

Esto le permite poner un número en el valor porcentual de las posibilidades de quedar embarazada.

Puede elegir entre 100, 75 y 50 por ciento y, según lo que elija, podría tener nuevos bebés en su vida.

Puede tomar un tiempo para que su perro o gato quede embarazada en TS4, pero gracias a este mod, usted tiene pleno poder sobre la vida de sus animales. Suena terrible, pero bueno, a veces solo quieres que corran una docena de gatitos.

Sin animales callejeros

sims 4 mods de mascotas, callejeros

A todos nos gusta tener mascotas en nuestros hogares; Los animales a tu lado son las mejores sensaciones de todos los tiempos, pero a veces hay un límite para los animales.

Este mod elimina por completo la generación aleatoria de hogares de perros y gatos callejeros. Claro, nos sentimos mal por los cachorros callejeros y todo eso, pero simplemente no hay espacio para cada animal extraviado.

Asegúrate de revisar este mod si quieres deshacerte de los extraviados en tu vida.

Aumentar el precio de venta de los perros.

aumento de precio de venta sims 4

Ser un criador de perros puede brindarle algunos beneficios si decide vender sus mascotas a un buen precio, pero con este mod ahora puede aumentar el precio de venta de sus mascotas, con la posibilidad de ganar hasta A $ 2200.

Usted merece ganar más dinero por su arduo trabajo y esta es una de las mejores maneras de hacerlo.

Si desea ganar dinero extra para sus carreras, haga que se marque aquí.

Entrena a tus cachorros

sims 4 mods, entrenar mascotas

En TS4, no puedes entrenar a tus cachorros o enseñarles comandos hasta que se hagan un poco más grandes, pero si siempre quisiste enseñarles comandos mientras todavía están cachorros, este mod es perfecto para ti.

Los únicos cuatro comandos disponibles para enseñar a su cachorro en este momento en el mod son: sentarse, acostarse, hablar y portón trasero.

Descarga este mod aquí para que puedas entrenar a tus cachorros como lo haces en la vida real.

Si está buscando modificaciones de perros y gatos aún más increíbles para The Sims 4, asegúrese de ir a nuestra lista aquí, que tiene una tonelada de las mejores modificaciones para sus mascotas.

¡Oye! Has llegado hasta aquí, pero hay mucho más por recorrer. Puede consultar aún más en nuestros otros artículos después de terminar con este mega artículo.

Otros mensajes de Sims Mods:

  • 50 mejores modificaciones de 2018
  • Sims 3
  • Sims 2
  • Contenido personalizado Maxis Match
  • Realismo
  • Vampiros
  • Niños pequeños

Mi primer animal de granja

los sims 4 animales

Este mod de Sims 4 convierte a tus gatos y perros de tu propiedad en animales de granja como cerdos y ovejas. Puede conservar cualquiera de sus productos que cosecha para su hogar u optar por venderlos con fines de lucro.

Este mod es perfecto para aquellos que buscan conseguir nuevos animales en su vida. Si lo desea, incluso puede vender sus animales o comerlos, pero no se preocupe, no hay animaciones de asesinatos ni nada, así que si tiene hambre, hay Siempre tiene una opción.

Si quieres descubrir este mod, puedes hacerlo haciendo clic aquí.

Ultrasonido para Sims embarazadas

Chaque fois que votre Sim tombe enceinte d'un enfant, vous avez désormais la possibilité d'aller vous faire faire une échographie par le médecin en payant des frais.

Vous pouvez voir le nombre de bébés et leur sexe en visitant le gynécologue.

Si vous voulez vous souvenir de ces moments pour le reste de votre vie, vous pouvez accrocher ces échographies sur les murs de votre maison.

Vous pouvez télécharger ce mod ici.

Drame de la vie

C'est l'un des mods les plus importants que vous puissiez avoir si vous êtes un fan de drame, de controverse et d'ombre.

Le module Life’s Drama ajoute 11 situations dramatiques qui pourraient arriver à votre sim à tout moment, ajoutant un drame bien nécessaire dans votre vie.

Il y a des situations qui impliquent une proposition de mariage, un enfant perdu et un couple qui se disputent avant de se séparer.

Si vous voulez pimenter votre vie dans Les Sims 4, alors téléchargez ce mod.

Véritable dérogation au flocon de neige

Ce mod révise les flocons de neige et la neige dans Les Sims 4.

Sans la mise à jour, ils sont difficiles à voir et n'ajoutent pas grand-chose. Avec le mod, ils sont bien plus visibles et ressemblent à de vrais flocons de neige.

Le créateur du mod Simaginarium l'a testé et déclare que les nouveaux flocons de neige n'affectent pas du tout les performances du jeu. Vous ne devriez donc pas avoir à vous soucier trop du mod flocon de neige qui vous pose des problèmes avec les nouveaux modèles HD.

Vous pouvez voir le flocon de neige en mouvement ici.

Consultant Sim

Nous pourrions tous utiliser un peu de thérapie de temps en temps, tout comme votre sim. Si votre sim a des buffs négatifs et les fait se sentir mieux plus rapidement, ce mod vous permet d'appeler un consultant en sim pour les remonter le moral.

Le consultant se présentera et, moyennant des frais de 500 §, il organisera une séance de thérapie pour votre sim. Cela augmentera le besoin social d'un sim et éliminera tous les buffs négatifs qu'ils ont.

Vous pouvez accéder au consultant en cliquant simplement sur la carte SIM et en sélectionnant «Appeler le consultant social».

Enfants talentueux

Votre enfant est nul? Sont-ils fondamentalement inutiles? Eh bien, c'est le cas pour la plupart des enfants de nos jours, mais ce n'est pas forcément le cas avec ce mod.

Une fois installé, ce mod permet aux enfants sims de cuisiner, d'organiser des fleurs, de préformer la magie, de s'entraîner, de fabriquer des robots, de jouer au ping-pong, de faire des activités de spa, de faire des activités de vente au détail, d'utiliser simray, de faire du café et du thé, de boire du thé et de laver les vêtements. Fondamentalement, ils peuvent agir plus comme des adultes moins inutiles et ennuyeux!

Vos enfants, les sims, pourront accumuler des points de compétence tôt et cesseront d'être si paresseux dans la maison.

Ensemble de trucs personnalisés pour salle de bain chic

Qui ne voudrait pas avoir une salle de bain chic et chic? C'est un rêve pour beaucoup d'entre nous, mais dans Les Sims, c'est facilement à portée de main avec ce mod. Le pack de contenu de salle de bain chic contenu personnalisé contient de nombreuses nouvelles options de décoration pour les salles de bains de votre sim, afin que vous puissiez rivaliser avec certaines des toilettes de votre célébrité préférée.

Il est livré avec 45 articles au total, dont cinq nécessitant une extension et des packs de trucs tels que University, Laundry Day et Seasons pour fonctionner.

Tous les objets ont une carte diffuse, spéculaire et normale garantie, et ce qui est très cool, c'est que certains éléments ont des options supplémentaires telles qu'un miroir avec des fonctionnalités intelligentes cachées.

Coups de soleil automatiques

meilleurs sims 4 mods

Si vous n’êtes pas réticent à obtenir Island Living, vous avez besoin de celui-ci.

Avec ce mod installé, votre personnage sera automatiquement bronzé lorsqu'il sera exposé au soleil. Mais, comme dans la vraie vie, vous pouvez avoir des ennuis si vous passez trop de temps au soleil.

Vous pouvez télécharger celui-ci ici si vous voulez obtenir le look d'été parfait.

Pas de course autonome à l'intérieur

Les sims 4 mods

Chaque fois qu'il commence à pleuvoir / à tonner / à éclair dans les Sims 4, votre personnage rentre automatiquement chez lui comme un lâche.

Si vous voulez braver le temps et courir dans une tempête de pluie, vous pouvez le faire si vous installez ce mod ici.

Il peut être difficile de faire avancer les choses chaque fois que la pluie commence à tomber, mais vous pouvez continuer à vivre votre vie sous la pluie ou sous le soleil grâce à ce mod.

Remplissage automatique des besoins des animaux

les sims 4 mods

Si vous en avez assez de prendre soin des besoins de votre animal et que vous souhaitez simplement vous détendre de temps en temps, nous avons un mod pour vous qui vous aide à prendre soin de tous les animaux de votre foyer.

Pour tout ménage non joué qui a des animaux domestiques, ce mod remplira automatiquement les besoins d'hygiène de tout chien toutes les six heures. Maintenant, vos chiens ne seront pas négligés et auront tous leurs besoins satisfaits sans que vous ayez à lever le petit doigt.

Vous pouvez télécharger ce mod ici si vous souhaitez le vérifier.

Laissez votre tout-petit être

les sims 4, les mods,

Il semble que votre Sim soit obsédé par la vérification de leurs petits bébés. Les enfants sont importants et doivent être surveillés avec un œil attentif, mais si vous voulez que votre Sim cesse de les vérifier tout le temps, vous pouvez télécharger ce mod.

En l'installant, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur d'autres choses que votre enfant et les laisser ainsi – c'est ainsi qu'ils apprendront à prendre soin d'eux-mêmes si vous me le demandez.

Arrête de jouer sous la pluie

les sims 4 mods, jouant sous la pluie

Pour une raison étrange, chaque fois qu'il pleut, votre Sim peut être enclin à sortir et à jouer sous la pluie comme un enfant qui n'a jamais vu l'eau tomber du ciel auparavant.

Si vous voulez mettre fin au nez dégoulinant et aux vêtements mouillés, assurez-vous de télécharger ce mod ici. Le mod gardera votre Sim au sec et à l'abri du froid.

Thermostat automatique

le thermostat sims 4 mods

Avec ce mod de LittleMsSam, vous pouvez payer 999 $ pour passer à un thermostat automatique qui changera en fonction de la météo extérieure du moment.

If it’s super hot outside, the thermostat will adjust to make your home cooler y if it’s cold out, your home will get warmer without you having to do anything.

You can download this mod right here.

Zombie Apocalypse Mod

This amazing mod throws you right in the middle of a zombie apocalypse by turning every Sim in your district into zombies. You also have the option to cure all of the zombies in the area, turning them back into humans, or you can just blow them all up.

If you get turned into a zombie, there are four stages that your Sim goes through before you finally become take over, but you can customize everything that goes on from the menus to make the apocalypse a bit easier to handle.

You can download this mod right here.

After School Activities

the sims 4 mods

KawaiiStacie’s After School mods allows kids y teenagers to have more after-school activities for them to check out. The first bundle can be downloaded here y includes things such as band, dance, y chorus classes.

While the second bundle offers sports activities like baseball, soccer, y football.

You can build up the skills of your kids y best of all, your kids will be away from home for a couple of more hours to keep you at peace.

Preschool Mod

the sims 4 mods, preschool

This preschool mod for TS4 will allow your toddler skills y values increase/decrease based on the different interactions of your choosing.

These interactions range from taking a nap y asking for help to making friends y leaving school early.

You can download this preschool mod right here if you’re interested!

Style Sims for Money

sims 4

Have you ever looked at one of the NPCs in your town y thought to yourself, “wow, they are really ugly.” Some of them just don’t know how to dress but thanks to this mod, you can style NPCs y get paid for it.

LittleMsSam brings us this mod y you can download it here if you want to style children, teens, y adults, y give them a makeover that that will change their lives.

Food = Calories

This mod from KawaiiStacey allows you to choose the fat rate increase in your game, making it easier for your Sims to gain weight.

The larger the size you choose, the faster you will gain weight. If you find yourself wanting to town down, you just have to begin exercising to lost weight.

You can download this weight gain mod right here if you want to put some extra weight on your characters.

Healthy Juices

the sims 4

It can be hard to find healthy smoothies y drinks for your Sim to chug down, but thanks to this mod right here, your Sim will have access to a lot of yummy y nutritious beverages.

By heading over to your fridge, you will have the option to select any of these drinks:

  • Carrot Juice (12$/ 4 Carrots)
  • Spinach Juice (14$/ 8 Spinach)
  • Bell Pepper Juice (16$/ 2 Bell Pepper)
  • Lemon Juice (18$/ 6 Lemon)
  • Potato Juice (20$/ 4 Potato)
  • Tomato Juice (21$/ 3 Tomato)
  • Plasma Juice (25$/ 5 Plasma Fruits) – Vampire only!

Depending on the drink, your Sim will get buffs y your fitness skill will increase.

Extra Teen Styles

the sims 4 mods

This clothing pack from SxL gives players more customization options for your young Sims characters.

There’s a clothing pack that has an athlete themed selection, one that’s all about being the It Girl, y another one that makes you a punk kid, with platform boots y rocker hair.

You can download the teen style stuff mod right here if you want to express some originality for your adolescent Sims.

Pufferhead Stuff

the sims 4 mods,

The Pufferhead Stuff pack brings the magic of Harry Pott… I mean, Henry Puffer, into your home.

The pack includes a collection of books, posters, decorations, movies, y clothes so that you can show off your love for the magician.

You can download this pack right here y show off your love for Henry Puffer.

Change Bill Amounts

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Do you like a bit of a challenge with your game? Well, this mod allows your sim family to feel the crippling weight of expensive bills every week. The modder promises it’ll provide a challenge while not being too ridiculous.

It’s a realistic alternative to the base game’s often times easy to pay bills. This is often a point of contention between fans since the game can become quite easy once you have a well-paying job position.

I love a good challenge in TS4, y because of that, this is a pretty good Sims 4 mod.

Restaurant Business Overhaul

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

The Sims 4 Dine Out brought players a great addition of being able to head out to eat y run their own diner/restaurant/whatever business. It added a lot of roleplay, but let’s face it, the business aspect’s a bit wonky.

Luckily, this modder thought so as well y created this. Here’s basically all the changes it brings to the table. The dinner table, that is.

  • Customers start coming in around 6 AM.
  • Rush hour at 6 PM.
  • Restaurants you don’t own have higher plate prices.
  • Full-Trained chefs won’t be putting out poor food.
  • Hosts will work better.
  • One waiter covers 7 tables instead of just 5.
  • 400-500% markup prices possible.
  • There’s no need to have a sink or a trash can to empty food.

Oh, y if you’ve been wanting to make a family-owned restaurant business, you’re going to want to check this out. It lets you hire family members!

Also, if you want to be able to hire teens, this one’s for you!

All of these change things up so much.

Automate Romance Mods

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Okay, so there’s a lot of different automation that you could add with mods, but I particularly like these since they really up the ante in the storytelling. Cheating can become more frequent, y pregnancies, too.

Especially when you add these with the master controller mod I already mentioned in the first page. Anyway, here are a couple of romantic autonomies for you:

  • Autonomous Proposals
  • Autonomous Weddings
  • Ask to Move In
  • First Kiss

Keep Your Sim From Moving Around in CAS

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

The ability to create truly unique Sims by pulling y pushing directly on their bodies is by far one of the coolest new features The Sims 4 brings to the table.

Unfortunately, that can be a little difficult if your Sim keeps dancing around while you’re trying to give them a tummy tuck. The Stand Still in CaS mod from Shimrod101 sedates your Sim y removes all those animations that play while you’re adjusting their body or face.

This mod works for all ages y genders y disables the usual animations that play when you adjust the sliders for muscle or weight, randomize your Sim’s appearance, or change outfits using the Styled Looks function.

Buy Ponds y Hidden Lot Entrances

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Why didn’t EA allow this before? Angler master sim find it really annoying to have to leave the comfort of their homes just to reach a nearby pond to fish. y what if it’s not within the same general area?

Do you really want to discover a loading screen every single time you’re going to work up your fishing skill?

With the Buyable Ponds mod, you can put a nice pond in your backyard, probably next to the chest table y underneath a great big tree. Just giving you ideas. Additionally, get the Buyable Hidden Lot Entrances mod for easy access. Pretty soon, your Sim will never leave their house.

Grocery Store

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Roleplaying is everything in The Sims 4, y any mods that add that ability can be appreciated by any fan. When grocery stores didn’t make their return from TS3, a lot of fans were disappointed.

However, fret not… there’s always this mod. With it, you’re able to add a grocery booth (or table, if you will), allowing you to effectively make a whole grocery store if you wanted to. Maybe even a flea market! The choice is yours, as always.

No Sitting Fix

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Look, when there are fixes to be had, these are among the most important. This one fixes a silly little glitch that tends to happen a lot when sims are playing on their console.

They won’t – for the life of them – sit down. It’s a tiny fix but it really helps in not breaking players out of the roleplaying aspect. Everyone can couch co-op now!

New Facial, Body Hair, Hairstyles, y More

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Like your sims lumbersexual? There are mods to back up however you want them to look. Make your sims’ beards longer using this mod. Want imperfect teeth? Here you go.

But, really, there’s of course plenty of other mods you could get for your sims to be looking fly. I recommend checking out this site for all your Sims 4 custom content needs.

They have Sims 4 hairstyles, body hair, eyebrows, makeup, skin, teeth, facial hair, anything you can think of. If you didn’t know you could make your sims looks realistic using these, now you do.

You can also check out our guides for those best Sims 4 hair mods here y here for Maxis Match mods y custom content, specifically.

More Fridge Meals

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Options, options, options, that’s what players want. The small amount of quick meals you can get from the fridge are enough to get anyone sick of having lunch, right? Tired of all that cereal?

Or all those microwave meals? Well, download y install this mod, y you’ll add a whopping amount of extra things to eat!

They’re all food that was already in the game, anyway, but somehow wasn’t under the “Quick Meals” option.

Every Sim Can Get Pregnant

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Gone are the days when you needed a male y female sim to “Try for Baby” in order to get pregnant. Thanks to the Babies for Everyone mod, your young adult y older Sims can have a baby with anyone they love.

Or hate, even. Go nuts.

This is something the fans really wanted for awhile.

Meaningful Stories

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

If you think the base game’s emotions are too easy to get over or get past, then this mod’s for you. With it, it will be way harder to get back in the appropriate frame of mind once something has put your sim in a different mood. That’s really where the “inertia” part comes in. Here, the creator does a good job explaining it:

“Meaningful Stories is a mod pack that redesigns the mood y emotions system of The Sims 4. This collection of changes big y small aims to allow your sims to feel more human, to make the events in their lives feel more meaningful, y to turn managing their lives into a more interesting challenge.”

After your sim enters another mood, the inertia moodlet from the previous mood will be removed.

There are three levels of inertia moodlet:

  • Strong: +3 – lasts 8 hours, followed by
  • Medium: +2 – lasts 8 hours, followed by
  • Fragile: +1

The +1 level has no visible duration but will rarely last long at all because of the way the game handles mood changes. Once a +1 inertia moodlet is the only thing left keeping a sim in a mood, it will be overcome by any more recent +1 moodlet for any other emotion.”

Enable Menus For Working Sims

Tons of standard Sims features were left out of The Sims 4. This mod by Fogity fixes quite arguably the worst feature to be to be removed from this release of The Sims.

Previously, whenever a Sim disappeared from a lot to go to work you would be unable to access the menus containing their desires, skills, relationships, y mood info.

The Menu Enabler mod simply keeps these menus available whenever a Sim leaves the active lot for work or fun.

Easygoing Baby Sims

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Love raising a family in The Sims? Well, good for your sims for maturing y deciding to take such a grand step forward in their lives. Hold on, though, are you sure you want to deal with the vanilla Sims baby?

Always whining, wanting food, love, y general attention so often in a day? That’s right, you’re really just putting up with it to get a kid Sim. It’s okay to admit that.

You should download the Easygoing Baby mod to calm it down a bit y keep its mood up until it can age. Maybe even turn on accelerated aging for babies, too.

Faster Showers & Baths

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Okay, I gave it away for this one in the heading right there. This does literally what that means, but isn’t it so useful? With this Sims 4 mod, you’ll cut the time it takes to shower or take a bath by a lot.

No more rushing to work in the mornings! Simply had to include something that helps players not waste time.

Working Out Revamp

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Got some athletic people you’re playing as? Always working out to have the most Adonis looking possible? Well, if you’re finding it super easy to get washboard abs with the peak of athletic prowess that they can attain, this mod is for you!

When you get it, the metabolism in the game – so to speak – gets a tune up. It will be harder for you to reach peak physique in the game. This really makes it more of an accomplishment, you know?

Don’t want to go through all the trouble of working your sim out, though? Want to get your slim sim to fill in their clothes a bit more? This Sims 4 mod is simple in that it just makes it possible to set the weight levels of your characters using the cheat console commands.

Cars For Sims 4

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Why cars weren’t available from day one for TS4 is anyone’s guess. Why was anything taken out, you know? Let’s always be grateful for the modding community’s generosity y ability to right EA’s wrongs.

You know you want cars for your sim family. Get this mod. It allows you to get back those vehicles you know y love from past games before EA inevitably forces you to buy them in an expansion!

You could also download this Sims 4 mod to get the cars already available around the world y place them for decoration. Won’t be ownable like the above one, though!

For now, we simmers need to rely on the modders to fill in the gaps for EA. Bless the best of the best when it comes to Sims 4 mods.

Besties Everywhere

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

If you, like Mindy Kaling in The Mindy Project, believe that best friendship is a tier, then this mod is perfect for you.

It allows you to have more than just one like the game currently limits you. It also reduces the cooldown so you’re able to say it again faster.

Crazy Slider Mods

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Admit it. The first thing you did while making that very first sim in TS4 was see how crazy you could make your characters look using the new Create-A-Sim interface.

This set of mods removes a lot of the restrictions imposed on body modification to keep the game boring y realistic. But really, who needs realism when you can give your families’ heads twice the size of their bodies? Pas moi.

The Expanded Head Size Range, Glasses Slider, y, uh, Breast Augmentation mods from EVOL_EVOLVED literally expand what you’re able to do within the confines of Create-A-Sim.

You can check out more slider Sims 4 mods over here.

Improved Weather Variety

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

While Seasons was an awesome pack, it isn’t without its flaws. y one modder took it upon themselves to correct one they noticed: the worlds all have largely the same weather patterns despite being different, well, worlds!

This mod is a must for anyone looking for weather variety in their TS4 game. Here are the changes it does:

  • Willow Creek is near a swamp y like Louisiana, so the weather is hotter with little to no snow.
  • Oasis Spring Weather is hotter throughout the year.
  • San Myshuno Weather is a mix between New York y San Fransisco. Very cold weather in late Fall, Winter, y early Spring.
  • Windenburg Weather is generally colder with blizzards possible throughout early y late winter y some snow probable in early Spring.
  • Brindleton Bay Still rainy throughout with rain storms in spring y summer, but now more chance of cool or cold rain y windy days (except in the Summer).
  • Forgotten Hollow’s weather is significantly colder than before.
  • Brindleton Bay has a small chance of snow.
  • Granite Falls is a snowy escape.
  • Selvadorada stays mostly the same.
  • Newcrest is slightly less rainy.

All Beds Give Same Energy

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Again, I’m giving it away in the headline, but that’s really all there is to it. If you constantly find yourself settling for a bed that you don’t necessarily like the look of but it just plain ol’ has a better Energy rating, you need this mod.

It makes it so that you can pick any bed y still reap the benefits of having a good night’s rest. After all, the sheets should have nothing to do with the energy! It’s all about that mattress, baby.

True Happiness

Best Sims 4 Mods

Following the emotional inertia mod that we already talked about, here’s something that makes happiness less attainable.

It leads to a more “true happiness” effect, where Sims won’t be happy for any little thing that comes across their day.

Something special needs to happen for them to truly become happy, otherwise, the default will be the okay version of “Fine.”

Note, this is also included in the Meaningful Stories mod that was mentioned before already.

Cinema Movie Theater Mod

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Tired of only having, like, three spots to have fun with your little simmers? With the Cinema Mod, your characters can enjoy the film industry’s finest. Grab your family, head on over to the lot, y enjoy some classic movies with popcorn.

Perfect for the cinephile sim in your life. This is even better when coupled with the movie night pack that adds bigger screens, popcorn, y more!

Oh, y while you’re at it, you might want to check out the “Be Quiet y Keep Watching the Movie Please” mod.

Buy More Venues

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

LittleMsSam really brings it with all the mods, y here’s another that helps out the gameplay a lot if you’re a tycoon type of player. You’re going to need Get to Work, by the way!

With this mod, you’ll have an array of new venues to buy y reap revenue from. Here’s a list of all that you can buy, by the way.

  • Bar
  • Club
  • Lounge
  • Cafe
  • Bibliothèque
  • Gym
  • Karaoke Bar
  • Arts Center
  • Museum
  • parc
  • Pool
  • Relaxation Center
  • Penthouse (San Myshuno)
  • Scientist Lab
  • Police Station
  • Medical Clinic
  • Holiday Home
  • Gaming Center!
  • Playground!
  • Daycare!
  • Customize a Generic Lot
  • Rentable Business (Can make a Hotel, Prison, or Apartment Building, etc.)
  • Cinema

Voidcritters For All

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Who says that you can only be a kid y enjoy Voidcritters? Oh, The Sims 4 does. Well, I call BS there! For those of us that grew up with a childhood phenomenon, odds are that years later you still very much so care for that same cartoon or what have you.

These mods understands that, y make it possible to trade as well as play Voidcritters at any age! Look… as a big fan of Pokemon, I’d of course think of this as one of the best Sims 4 mods.

For the Old-School Sim in Your Life

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Have a Sim that’s technologically inept? Maybe they’re just really old-school y don’t want to get near a computer? Well, here’s something that should have been in the game a very long time ago: a notebook!

With the Notebook V2 mod, you will be able to do all the writing related things they could do on the computer, except from the comfort of any place within the house. Also, with a strange device called a pen.

Social Media For Teens

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Nowadays, 18 year olds are getting filthy rich off of being Instagram or YouTube stars, let’s face it. It’s time for our teens to start reaping some rewards before they even age up, too!

This mod makes it so that teens can join the Social Media career track that City Living brought to the table.

More NPC Names

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

If you’re looking for more variety in your townies’ names, then look no further. This mod is here to do exactly that. It even adds a lot of ethnic names to create a lot of diversity among your worlds y towns.

Faster Social Gain

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

If your sim needs to be social but you’re not really feeling the whole conversation aspect of The Sims 4, you can download this mod to increase the social mood faster. Gone are the days when you’d have to actually pretend to care how that sim friend’s day went.

You had ice cream? That’s nice, John. My sim has no time for your BS, John. She’s got a career to advance in.

Super Speed Through Festivals & Neighbors

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This one’s specific for those of us that have City Living, but it’s very useful if you do have it. Whenever there’s a festival or neighbors are being annoying, the super speed you might have been doing gets slowed down again.

Really annoying whenever this happens needlessly, right? So download this y you’ll rid yourself of that annoyance!

Early Retirement

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Those of us that play some really successful sims that make it to the top of their careers really fast will be pleased to find out that there’s a mod that allows you to retire earlier than just elder.

Hey, combine this with the multiple jobs mod that we talked about earlier y it’s sure to be a confetti stream right on your simoleon wallet! It allows you to retire as young as the Adult life state.

Invisible Fences

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Now, you’re probably wondering why the heck I’m including a mod that adds invisible fences into the game. Well, it’s simple, really.

If you’re tired of your sims walking all over the grass or taking weird routes to get to where they’re going, you simply need to use these y you’ll route them exactly through the paths or sidewalks that you want them to go through.

Bring TS2 to TS4

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There are a lot of mods available to The Sims 2 fans that want to bring over the most iconic furniture pieces to The Sims 4. Miss the Tiki Outdoor Set y its add-ons? Want to get retro with the 60s Living Room Set? Or maybe you want to feel fabulous with the Glamorous Living Set?

Heck, if you’re even missing out on the radio stations, there’s a mod for that, too. Keep your eyes peeled as they’re always adding more y more favorites for you TS2 fans. Just letting you know this is definitely a thing that happens a lot each month!

Teens Can Start Practicing Parenting

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If you want to set up a teen mom/dad scenario or just plain ol’ want your older sibling of a sim to get their stuff together y take care of their younger sibling a bit, then this mod is for you.

When you download y install it, your teen sims will be able to raise their Parenting skill. This is great for getting a headstart on that skill, as well as for getting that roleplaying in.


Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

The Sims has a way of making friendships into little, fragile butterflies. If you’re not calling your BFF every single night to tell them all about your day, that definitely means you don’t care about them at all in The Sims. You’re absolutely heartless.

If you’re a detached loner, have no fear, the No Relationship Decay mod is here to help! You can actually go two weeks with no interactions now y still consider a certain Sim your best friend. This mod works a lot like the Long Distance Friend lifetime award in The Sims 3.

Stop Sleeping Already!

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If you’re tired of your sims being bears in the winter y hibernating despite their Energy need being completely maxed out, then this is the mod for you.

It cuts out a huge annoyance where literal hours after the fact your sim might actually get up by themselves without you telling them to.

More Aspirations

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Modders are always on the scene, trying to increase as much of the things you’re able to do with The Sims 4 as possible. One such aspect that’s always modded y tweaked are the game’s aspirations.

If you’re looking for more of them, there’s always a steady supply. Here are some of the ones I found, for example.

  • Living Life
  • Pleasure
  • Aphrodite
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • Quiet Life
  • Perfectly Balanced
  • Herbalist
  • Teacher’s Pet
  • Grilled Cheese
  • UFO Investigator
  • Class Clown

Do You Really Want to Live Forever?

Everyone has that one sim that’s immortal y everlasting. Maybe they’re just leveling up all their skills. Maybe they’re used for procreating so much that the entire sim population in one town ceases to exist. Look, we’re not here to judge you y your choices.

Whatever the reason, if you find that you actually want to stop the aging y/or dying process of your Sim, but don’t want to turn it off in the settings altogether, you can buy it as a trait using this Sims 4 mod.

Less School Time

Whenever your child y teen sim goes off, precious hours of their days are lost. y with those ages being so short as is already in the grand scheme of a sim’s life, you might be looking for a way to lessen that load without halting their learning altogether.

Well, have no fear! You can download y install this mod to cut the amount of time children y teens will be in school by giving them an earlier exit.

Please. Arrêtez. Ringing. The Doorbell.

You don’t even have to be a loner sim to think that the amount of times your Sim’s clingy friends drop by unannounced is annoying. They don’t even have to be friends!

Neighbors will constantly walk by y want to check out your stylin’ pad. It’s rude, is what it is. We don’t have any sugar, John, leave us alone.

Download the Fewer Stalkbys mod y you’ll be free from having to stop what you’re doing just to say hi to someone you didn’t care to see in the first place. It even got updated so that Sims will wait no more than 20 “sim” minutes for you to open the door.

What a relief. It starts to get creepy when they wait out there for hours.

Welfare For Your Sims

If you want to roleplay your families having to sign up for welfare, then this Sims 4 mod is perfect for your next playthrough or even challenge.

Your sims can sign up for it by applying for it as though it were a career. You’ll show up one day out of the week for an hour y get a small sum for that week.

It’s definitely a mod to think about if you’re looking to do any of the tough monetary challenges.

More Careers

Another part of the game that’s constantly being tweaked by the community are the careers. While there are a lot with all of the expansion packs y the base game, there can always be more, right?

Modders think so, too. You’re going to want to keep your eyes open for more of ’em, but here are some I’ve found that seem pretty cool.

Get that money with these.

  • WWE Superstar
  • Astronomer
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Oceanography
  • Nursing
  • Acting
  • Jungle Adventurer
  • Auto Service
  • Airline Employee
  • Circus
  • Supernatural Stalker
  • Hairstylist

Not Always DTF

If you, like me, are really weirded out by how often sims are just DTF all the time, then this mod will be great for you. With it, sometimes, they just won’t be in the mood.

Even if they’re married or dating the other sim, they now will need to be flirty before the Woohoo or Try For Baby options come up.

Realistic Earnings

Being able to be stinking rich very fast in the game is fun y all, but where’s the real difficulty? If you’re looking for more realistic salaries for the different careers, you can download this y lower it by either 25% or 50% (your choice).

Thus, every single career will yield less y your bills will get higher. Especially if you installed the bills mod I mentioned earlier in this post. Gosh, too much like real life, isn’t it?

Set What Your Sim Is Into

This mod opens up the option to set your sim’s gender preference. It won’t conflict with any mods, is easy to use, y percentages can also be set for each gender.

A great way to add uniqueness to your characters by making them have specific dating preferences, eh?

New Recipes

Here’s an awesome thing that modders are constantly working on: new recipes! Once you’ve played enough of the game, you’re bound to get bored of all the things you’re able to cook.

Day in y day out, it can get mundane to eat the same meals everyday.

Especially for your sims. Check around for new recipes, like this one that introduces two new soups.

Romance Is Fun

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Isn’t it weird how sims don’t gain fun with any of the romance interactions besides woohoo? Not even the Romantic or Alluring sims!

Well, this modder thought so, too, y made a mod that allows Alluring y Romantic characters to get their fun need up with some romance! Kissing, flirting, everything will get that moodlet y mood up.

Cooking Makes Sense

With this mod, cooking has become a bit harder. Food that didn’t cost anything now does, group meals cost a more realistic amount, y some recipes have been changed to need more ingredients than they normally would.

This also allows for two ways of cooking.

One will require ingredients to make food, y the other makes ingredients optional (if you don’t have them, the food will just cost more to cook).

Canvas Racks Aren’t For Show

While canvas racks were cool decor for the artsy houses that you might create y play, they kind of didn’t make sense. That is, before this mod. Now canvas racks do exactly as they’re supposed to y can be used to store paintings from inventories.

No longer will you necessarily have to sell that masterpiece because there’s no room on your walls right now.

Automatic Burn Scars

If your sim messes up while cooking or poking a fire, there’s going to be hell to deal with. When a fire bursts out in the game, your sim can often get caught in it. It’s up to either them or someone else to put them out.

But what if damage were done to their skin already once that happens? That’s where this mod comes in. It adds automatic burn scars to their skin after they’ve been engulfed in flames.

Stop Getting Sick!

This mod gets rid of the random illness system brought in by the Get to Work expansion. Just in case you’re not into that annoying new way of making your sims feel more human y mortal.

It removes the random sickness but doesn’t affect hospital patients. If you’re tired of the sicknesses in the game, you’ll find this to be one of the greatest Sims 4 mods.

Wake Up!

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Find it troublesome dealing with your sim getting sleepy all the time? Don’t want to waste your valuable time watching them sleep to recover? Well, the regular espresso machines probably don’t cut it in your case.

This mod makes it so that a cup of Joe wakes your sim right the hell up.

Burn, Burn, Burn

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Following up on that burn scars mod listing, if you just plain ol’ love to watch the world burn, then this mod is for you. With it, the fires in The Sims 4 can start up faster y spread quickly.

They become more intense as you choose from three different options. Perfect for those that want to quickly dispose of their sims.

Shut Up, Skill Level Up Messages

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

In The Sims 4, leveling up your skills means getting a very intrusive message in the center of the screen. With this mod, that message goes away completely y you won’t have anything obstructing your view as your sim kicks butt y levels up.

If you’re annoyed by it, then you’ll definitely have to consider getting this one.

No Perk Costs For Busineses

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I really summed this one up right there in the subheading. It’s a simple mod that allows you to buy any perks tied to any business you own, totally for free.

No need to pay those points you get. This is a huge plus for anyone looking to open up a five star restaurant as fast as they possibly can.

Circular y Oval Fences

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This is a good one for those builders out there. If you’ve been trying to make some oval flowerbeds or, let’s say, a kiddie pool that’s bigger than the ones added within the game, you’re able to do that thanks to this mod!

It brings the ability to make circular y oval, low fences.

Shower With Gusto

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Autonomous sims tend to make poor choices. That’s why any mods that alter their decisions are very welcome in the community. For example, this mod makes it so that sims won’t automatically opt to take a regular shower.

Rather, when given the option, they’ll choose a mood shower instead. This is useful as it will assure that your sim keeps their mood going.

Activity Chair Works Better

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

The Activity Table is awesome for kids to work on their creativity, but it can be extremely clunky. With this mod, the whole thing becomes just a chair that you can set to any table.

That way, it’s a lot less space consuming y can become part of the already established decor.

Spawn in Faster Will Ya?

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

The game waits five minutes after a sim has spawned into a lot before spawning in the next one. Five whole sim minutes. This mod works to shorten that time so that locations are a lot less barren.

Super useful when combined with mods that increase number of people in a lot. No one likes it when the world feels empty, y this Sims 4 mod definitely helps with that.

That’s Gross, Sims

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Your families are super efficient sometimes. But that can also mean super grossness as they take their dirty dishes to the bathroom sink instead of the kitchen.

Look, that’s just nasty. Use this mod to fix that.

Make Your Sims Look a Little Realistic

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

While the original art for The Sims 4 is great, having realistic skins always ups the quality of any game with mods.

There are sure to be many new skin mods that will come out as time progresses, so keep an eye out for them.

This mod, for example, is one of the very few y helps to make your characters look more realistic with their skin texture.

Anatomically Correct Mod

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Think your male sims look a bit too much like Ken dolls? Well, maybe it’s time to get this mod that adds some, ahem, anatomical correctness. Just… just check it out.

y if you’re interested in more adult-themed mods, you should check out our post over here.

Warning, there’s mature content in that link, though!

Make Time More Realistic

Best Sims 4 Mods

Time can be super fast in this game. Before you know it, you hardly have time to go out after a long work day. Especially since you want to make sure you complete your work requirements y keep your basic needs up.

This mod hopes to fix this issue for those that find that there’s not enough time in a day. It’ll make time work more realistically y mirror real life’s 24 hour cycle.

Keep Out

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Tired of certain people coming over y rummaging through your stuff? This mod makes it possible to lock doors for certain people. You can choose up to 8 different sims to not lock it for y allow them to freely enter y exit whatever room.

Perfect for misers with a ton of treasure in a certain room.

Take Care of That Baby

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

As has been stated many times, the characters in the game are sometimes total idiots with their autonomous actions.

Instead of taking care of a crying baby correctly, they’ll opt for the wrong actions sometimes.

Like feeding them instead of changing their diaper. This mod makes their autonomous decisions a lot smarter when it comes to making sure a baby is happy.

OMG, Have the Baby Already

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Waiting for a baby to be born can be pretty annoying. Especially if you’ve had, like, a million sim babies. This mod makes it possible to speed up the pregnancy with seven different options.

  • 1 day pregnancy (8 hour trimesters)
  • 9 day pregnancy (3 day trimesters)
  • 18 day pregnancy (6 day trimesters)
  • 30 day pregnancy (10 day trimesters)
  • 2 day pregnancy (16 hour trimesters)
  • 6 day pregnancy (2 day trimesters)
  • 120ish day pregnancy(?) (40 day trimesters)

No Censoring

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Want to see your sims in a new light? Take out those censor mosaic blurs with this mod. Perfect with that previously mentioned male junk mod, eh?

Tone Those Trees Down

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod is simple enough, but it gets rid of some dastardly glow if you happen to hate it. Download it to remove the Growfruit trees’ glow! It will be a regular ol’ tree.

Get to Work y Stay There

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod is perfect for those that have Get to Work y find that moving up on their career paths is a bit time consuming y difficult.

It allows you to stay at your Doctor, Scientist, or Detective job for 15 hours, have the option to stay even later, y get double the wages for the time spent. Get those promotions!

Healthy Drinking

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod adds a juice blender to your buy options for your household. You’ll be able to make freshly squeezed juice using fruits as ingredients. They’re taken from the fridge or sim, whichever has the fruits first.

Note that the better the fruit, the better the juice quality. Oh, y it will cost you 180 simoleons.

Children of the Corn

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod allows children to harvest from trees y bushes all the fruits they might want. Why wasn’t this already available? Qui sait!

It also adds, as an aside, the option for children to interact with plants.

However, they’ll need two points in Creative y four in Social before they can.

Couch Together

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

The original Sims 4 advertisements were filthy liars in the way it made it look like couches could hold multiple sims all together like that. Well, this mod sets out to make this a reality.

With it, more than three sims can sit at a couch y talk to one another. Just hangin’ out.

Working Alarm Clocks

This mod adds the functionality to the static alarm clocks to allow your sims to wake up a bit earlier than they normally would. This is to help them prep in the mornings.

Actually adding functionality to something that should have had it to begin with is a huge plus.

Kleptos For All

Ever want to perform a robbery with a sim that doesn’t have the Klepto trait? Well, now you can! This mod allows any sim to have the “swipe” ability.

If everyone can be a thief now, well, we have to call this one of the best Sims 4 mods.

Security Cameras

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Want some high-security decor for your household, retail store, or lot? Well, this mod adds the buyable security cameras to your game. They will cost you 500 simoleons.

A bit of roleplay never hurt anyone.

Write Songs Faster

Have a musically inclined sim but hate how long it takes them to write a song? This mod makes it so that your sims can write a song on piano, guitar, or violin in just two hours.

This makes it more in line with other activities that deal with writing, so it’s definitely a good idea for fans that have a musical sim.

No More Distortion

If your game’s got a bad case of your sims’ television sets showing distorted images, this mod is for you! With it, the distortion that started happening after a patch will be bye-bye.

Cute Piggy Bank

This mod adds a piggy bank that you can buy for your sims’ households. It’s not actually usable, but it is really cute.

Hug Like You Mean it

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Whenever sims use the “Lend Emotional Support” action, they seem to look a bit repressed in their hug. To make it way better y more emotional, you can download this mod y make it a much more intimate moment between the two sims.

Simple, but a real roleplaying changer.

Hanging Bookshelf!

There’s a shamefully small amount of hangable objects in The Sims 4 as of right now. Hanging shelves y bookshelves are so useful because they take up zero room on your sim’s floor.

Luckily, this mod adds a hanging bookshelf that looks really good.

You’re no Easter Bunny

This mod just makes easter egg collecting way easier for your sim. It makes the chances 20 or 40 times higher so you can get one of the specific easter eggs whenever you click the hidden eggs.

This is even without the Collector trait!

Robot Skins!

This mod makes skins available for your child sim to be able to look like a tiny robot. Let them loose on society! It brings many different skins, colors, y heads.

While it’s not possible to make robots yet, this is a good alternative if you want to roleplay some beep boop beeps.

Teleport Sims All Over the Place

If you’ve been looking for a way to get some sims to teleport over to your lot (or any lot) for whatever reason, this mod is for you.

You’re able to place this knight looking statue y choose which sims will teleport over to its location.

Additionally, you can use the statue to make sims “just go away” y leave the lot instantly. Perfect for getting rid of Death, right?

Hate Smiles?

If you can’t friggin’ STAND your sim’s mood overlay showing them smiling all the time, this mod remedies your very specific disdain with the game.

It makes all the poses a more neutral look, without smiling y showing teeth. No happiness for you!


For huge fans of Rubik’s Cubes, this mod is for you. Download it y you’ll be able to buy a Rubik’s Cube for 200 simoleons from the skills section of the buy menu.

Funny thing about this mod, it’s basically reskinning of the magic 8-ball so your sims will talk to it.

Modders Even Making Aesthetic Choices

With the camping game pack that you can get, you’re able to camp y visit new lots. This modder has changed the 30×30 lot to have a more “natural” look because she found that the previous one looked worse than what she could come up with. Expert.

This mod is also a gorgeous, aesthetic one that changes the way water looks like in pools y ponds. Now, water will be reflective, shiny, y look very realistic. It’s really a beautiful change to your pools.

Stop Sippin’

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod removes the sims need to constantly go get a random drink. Apparently, it’s a hidden mood in the game that they try to fulfill whenever they’re autonomous.

Neat to know, y even neater to get rid of!


This mod brings a set of Pokemon shirts for your sims to don around town. They’ll be looking stylish. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many different shirts, but hey, any Pokemon is good Pokemon, right?

Speaking of those pocket monsters, by the way. Some modder also even added in a bunch of build/buy Pokemon to place all around your household.

They can’t move or anything like that, they aren’t pets, but it’s still really cool to decorate with. Here’s that mod.

Another neat thing is to make the Voidcritters (obviously influenced by Pocket Monsters) y cutting out all pretenses. This makes Voidcritters évidemment Pokemon by literally making them into them.

Better Savant

This mod will upgrade the savant trait that your sims can randomly get in order to make the increase in skills far more noticeable. Before, it’s 25% faster skill gain.

With this mod, it can be 5 to 12 times faster than usual. Time saver?

Keep Dancing

This mod makes the group dancing in Get Together last longer. You’d think people wouldn’t get bored of dancing together if they’re at a party or club, right?

So why are they walking away while the beat is just getting started?

Item Recolorings

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

There are a bunch of different mods that will allow you to buy even more color variants of popular items. For example, here’s the cheapest fridge, cheapest stove, y the waste bin, all in over 10 colors.

Keep an eye out for more items you might want in different colors. Recolors happen a lot.

Make Ordinary Places Special

With this mod, you’ll be able to hold any events in generic venues. No longer will you need to pick y choose where your next party is going to be.

Make it in the weirdest, run down place if you want to!

More Harvestable Plants

There are quite a few mods that add more harvestable plants to the world for your sims to pick fruits y veggies from. For example, here’s a blueberry one y a raspberry one.

You’ll be picking all kinds of different fruits y vegetables in no time!

Neck Nibbles

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod is for those romantic sims out there. Install it y you’ll be able to perform the “kiss neck” with YA, adult, y elders. Nibble, nibble, nibble. Beautiful.

Disney Style

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Them modders are incredible in how they design such wonderous houses. With this mod, your sims will be able to live in the iconic Cinderella Disney castle.

It’s massive y ostentatious y perfect for Disney fans.

Tuck in Anybody

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

Let’s say that an adult sim is sick y their partner wants to make sure they’re okay while they’re sleeping. Before, you couldn’t use the “Tuck In” command that you could with the younglings, but that’s no more!

With this mod, you’re going to be able to use the Tuck In command on any life state y age! Well, except Elder, for some reason. Mignon, non?

Deathray Time

Are you a diabolical sim scientist that invented the Freeze Ray that comes with the Get to Work expansion?

This mod enables the option to use it as a Death Ray which kills whatever sim it’s used on as though it were electrocution.

Incense Doesn’t Burn Everything Down Anymore

If you, like me, love to use the mood buffers available within TS4, then you no doubt plant an incense holder here y there around the house.

y then everything is lit aflame as that one little stick causes a mass fire in your household. Ah, how peaceful, right?

Well, this mod makes it so that those little incense holders no longer cause fires. What a relief.

Towel Around

Like your created characters in their towels like when they exit saunas y venues in the Spa Day game pack? Well, this mod adds that feature to all kinds of lots, as well as makes it last for 30 in-game minutes.

Pets Don’t Have Fears

While it’s neat to have your pets in TS4 have a certain uniqueness to them, the fears can be a bit much. It’s annoying to hear them whining every five seconds or barking just because the TV is on.

This mod gets rid of all of that, as pets will no longer have any fear.

New Posters y Art

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This mod adds a bunch of iconic movie posters to the buy menu. Not only that, but each of them have been switched around to fit the sim world. The actors are all sims, y the writing is even simlish.

Meanwhile, this mod also adds artwork that you can purchase within the game. Of dogs on bicycles. It’s perfect. There are plenty of other mods you can search for y find of pretty much whatever you can imagine, too.

Additionally, there’s a ton of different artworks that you can download. I recommend ya have your eyes peeled for a bunch of these.

Birds y Their Cage!

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

For those missing the birds from past Sims expansions, you’ll be happy to know that there are some mods that bring our feathered friends officially into the game. But why they weren’t included already only lord knows.

Here are two that allows you to place the birds in the game (one here y one here), y here’s one that makes it so you can put them in cages, too.

Shut the Aliens Up

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

For those of you that can’t stand the way aliens sound with their silly voices, you can install this mod y change them to sound much more human.

Additionally, in case somehow this doesn’t scare you, the Reaper.

Build Custom Showers

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This is for those of you out there that have been dying for some new, beautiful, custom showers in the game. y you’re able to make some really spacious areas for the showers y really make your sims’ bathrooms pop with modern designs using it.

Make Woohoo Less Lame

When a sim is accepting a woohoo proposal, there are lame animations that stereotypical bros would do. Fist bumping, high-fiving, overly excited, all of these are replaced with flirty animations when you install this mod.

So much of the game was cut, for some reason, but modders have found them all out. This mod unlocks certain interactions that your sims would do after they woohoo.

These include pillow talk, whisper secret, tickle, kiss, y snuggle nuzzle.

Sliding Doors, Yes!

While I don’t doubt that there are plenty of examples of sliding doors in The Sims 4, I want to bring up these mods y custom content to your attention because you might not know they’re a thing.

Here’s one in particular that you can download to add functional sliding doors to your game.

Know Everything

Sims 4, best mods, must have mods, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, best mods, mods

This mod gives you the power of a search function within the game. You can look up any sim by a variety of different filters including gender, household, age, y many more.

You can also find out about specific people by clicking on them, too. Perfect for finding out waaaaay more than you need to know about your neighbors.

y that’s it for our mega post on the best Sims 4 mods that you need to download right this moment! Hope you enjoyed all the must have Sims 4 mods we came across.
