World of Warcraft Server Population Status & Details
Blizzard’s World of Warcraft has long since conquered y kept the crown when it comes to the MMO genre of gaming, y with the release of the Dragonflight expansion late last year for Modern WoW, its already-gargantuan playerbase of over 200 million only continues to grow.
As such, there are several dozen servers, or “realms”, for players to choose from y migrate between as they see fit. Some are more popular than others, y are suited for different purposes such as raiding, roleplaying, or even PvP dueling. If you’re debating which server to start your journey on, or perhaps jump back in after a long hiatus, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our handy Guía to the World of Warcraft Server Population Status & Details.
Population Status of All WoW Servers (US & EU) & Which Ones We Recommend
Below we’ve listed all current World of Warcraft servers in the game’s two biggest regions — the US y EU, alphabetically for ease of reference. We’ve also included their current population status, whether their player majority is Alliance or Horde, as well as their “type”. This refers to terms such as:
- New Players – Servers that are best suited for those new to World of Warcraft y its gameplay,. The communities within them are always open to answering questions y offering advice to newcomers.
- Normal – Servers that pretty well-rounded in terms of their demographic, with a little bit of everyone. They’re essentially “mainstream” y thus the most popular type of server.
- Roleplaying (RP) – These servers are primarily dedicated to groups of players who prefer to experience WoW from the perspective of character roleplay, rather than raiding or grinding. These servers are a bit more low key in that regard, but nonetheless popular in their own right.
When choosing your server, you’ll also notice other terms like ‘PvP’ y ‘PvE’ next to the names. You’ll want to be mindful of these, as ‘PvP’ servers include the ability to duel other players anywhere y everywhere. In other words, players can choose to run up to you y attack if they wish, y you’ll have to be ready for that. If that’s a thrill you enjoy, then that can be a worthy choice.
However, if you’d prefer to avoid that type of interaction, then you’ll want to chose a ‘PvE’ type of server.
Also, remember that in-game servers are referred to as “Realms”, so that will be reflected below for universal clarity.
Given that there are so many, we’ve also included details on which servers are particularly popular, as well as our personal recommendations.
All US WoW Servers (Realms) & Stats
Realm Name | Type | Population | Alliance/Horde Majority |
Aegwynn | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Aerie Peak | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Agamaggan | Normal | High | Horde |
Aggramar | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Akama | Normal | High | Horde |
Alexstrasza | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Alleria | Normal | High | Alliance |
Altar of Storms | Normal | Low | Horde |
Alterac Mountains | Normal | Full | Horde |
Aman’Thul | Normal | High | Alliance |
Andorhal | Normal | High | Horde |
Anetheron | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Antonidas | Normal | High | Alliance |
Anub’arak | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Anvilmar | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Arathor | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Archimonde | Normal | High | Horde |
Area 52 | Normal | Full | Horde |
Argent Dawn | Roleplaying | Low | Alliance |
Arthas | Normal | Low | Horde |
Arygos | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Auchindoun | Normal | High | Horde |
Azgalor | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Azjol-Nerub | Normal | High | Alliance |
Azralon | Normal | Full | Horde |
Azshara | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Azuremyst | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Baelgun | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Balnazzar | Normal | Full | Horde |
Barthilas | Normal | High | Horde |
Black Dragonflight | Normal | High | Horde |
Blackhand | Normal | Low | Horde |
Blackrock | Normal | High | Horde |
Blackwater Raiders | Roleplaying | Medium | Horde |
Blackwing Lair | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Blade’s Edge | Normal | High | Horde |
Bladefist | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Bleeding Hollow | Normal | High | Horde |
Blood Furnace | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Bloodhoof | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Bloodscalp | Normal | High | Horde |
Bonechewer | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Borean Tundra | Normal | High | Horde |
Boulderfist | Normal | High | Horde |
Bronzebeard | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Burning Blade | Normal | High | Horde |
Burning Legion | Normal | High | Horde |
Caelestrasz | Normal | High | Alliance |
Cairne | Normal | High | Alliance |
Cenarion Circle | Roleplaying | Medium | Alliance |
Cenarius | Normal | High | Alliance |
Cho’gall | Normal | High | Horde |
Chromaggus | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Coilfang | Normal | Low | Horde |
Crushridge | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Daggerspine | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Dalaran | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Dalvengyr | Normal | Low | Horde |
Dark Iron | Normal | Low | Horde |
Darkspear | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Darrowmere | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Dath’Remar | Normal | High | Alliance |
Dawnbringer | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Deathwing | Normal | Low | Horde |
Demon Soul | Normal | Low | Horde |
Dentarg | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Destromath | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Dethecus | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Detheroc | Normal | Low | Horde |
Doomhammer | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Draenor | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Dragonblight | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Dragonmaw | Normal | High | Horde |
Drak’Tharon | Normal | High | Horde |
Drak’thul | Normal | High | Alliance |
Draka | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Drakkari | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Dreadmaul | Normal | Full | Horde |
Drenden | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Dunemaul | Normal | High | Horde |
Durotan | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Duskwood | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Earthen Ring | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Echo Isles | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Eitrigg | Normal | Low | Horde |
Eldre’Thalas | Normal | High | Alliance |
Elune | Normal | High | Alliance |
Emerald Dream | Role Playing | High | Horde |
Eonar | Normal | High | Horde |
Eredar | Normal | Full | Horde |
Executus | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Exodar | Normal | High | Alliance |
Farstriders | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Feathermoon | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Fenris | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Firetree | Normal | High | Horde |
Fizzcrank | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Frostmane | Normal | High | Horde |
Frostmourne | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Frostwolf | Normal | High | Horde |
Galakrond | Normal | Low | Horde |
Gallywix | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Garithos | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Garona | Normal | High | Alliance |
Garrosh | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Ghostlands | Normal | High | Horde |
Gilneas | Normal | High | Horde |
Gnomeregan | Normal | High | Alliance |
Goldrinn | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Gorefiend | Normal | Full | Horde |
Gorgonnash | Normal | Full | Horde |
Greymane | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Grizzly Hills | Normal | High | Alliance |
Gul’dan | Normal | High | Horde |
Gundrak | Normal | Full | Horde |
Gurubashi | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Hakkar | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Haomarush | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Hellscream | Normal | Full | Horde |
Hydraxis | Normal | High | Horde |
Hyjal | Normal | High | Horde |
Icecrown | Normal | High | Alliance |
Illidan | Normal | Full | Horde |
Jaedenar | Normal | High | Horde |
Jubei’Thos | Normal | Full | Horde |
Kael’thas | Normal | High | Alliance |
Kalecgos | Normal | Low | Horde |
Kargath | Normal | High | Horde |
Kel’Thuzad | Normal | High | Alliance |
Khadgar | Normal | High | Alliance |
Khaz Modan | Normal | High | Alliance |
Khaz’goroth | Normal | High | Horde |
Kil’jaeden | Normal | High | Horde |
Kilrogg | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Kirin Tor | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Korgath | Normal | High | Alliance |
Korialstrasz | Normal | High | Alliance |
Kul Tiras | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Laughing Skull | Normal | High | Horde |
Lethon | Normal | Low | Horde |
Lightbringer | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Lightning’s Blade | Normal | High | Horde |
Lightninghoof | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Llane | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Lothar | Normal | High | Alliance |
Madoran | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Maelstrom | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Magtheridon | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Maiev | Normal | High | Horde |
Mal’Ganis | Normal | Full | Horde |
Malfurion | Normal | High | Horde |
Malorne | Normal | High | Horde |
Malygos | Normal | High | Alliance |
Mannoroth | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Medivh | Normal | High | Alliance |
Misha | Normal | Low | Horde |
Mok’Nathal | Normal | High | Horde |
Moon Guard | Role Playing | Full | Alliance |
Moonrunner | Normal | High | Alliance |
Mug’thol | Normal | High | Horde |
Muradin | Normal | High | Alliance |
Nagrand | Normal | High | Horde |
Nathrezim | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Nazgrel | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Nazjatar | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Nemesis | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Ner’zhul | Normal | High | Horde |
Nesingwary | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Nordrassil | Normal | High | Horde |
Norgannon | Normal | High | Horde |
Onyxia | Normal | High | Horde |
Perenolde | Normal | High | Alliance |
Proudmoore | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Quel’dorei | Normal | High | Horde |
Qhel’Thalas | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Ragnaros | Normal | Full | Horde |
Ravencrest | Normal | Low | Horde |
Ravenholdt | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Rexxar | Normal | Low | Horde |
Rivendare | Normal | High | Horde |
Runetotem | Normal | Low | Horde |
Sargeras | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Saurfang | Normal | High | Horde |
Scarlet Crusade | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Scilla | Normal | High | Horde |
Sen’jin | Normal | High | Horde |
Sentinels | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Shadow Council | Role Playing | Medium | Horde |
Shadowmoon | Normal | Low | Horde |
Shadowsong | Normal | High | Horde |
Shandris | Normal | Low | Horde |
Shattered Halls | Normal | Low | Horde |
Shattered Hand | Normal | Low | Horde |
Shu’halo | Normal | Low | Horde |
Silver Hand | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Silvermoon | Normal | High | Alliance |
Sisters of Elune | Role Playing | Medium | Alliance |
Skullcrusher | Normal | High | Horde |
Skywall | Normal | High | Alliance |
Smolderthorn | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Spinebreaker | Normal | Full | Horde |
Spirestone | Normal | High | Horde |
Staghelm | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Steamwheedle Cartel | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
Stonemaul | Normal | High | Horde |
Stormrage | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Stormreaver | Normal | Low | Horde |
Stormscale | Normal | High | Horde |
Suramar | Normal | Medium | Horde |
Tanaris | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Terenas | Normal | High | Horde |
Terokkar | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Thaurissan | Normal | Full | Horde |
The Forgotten Coast | Normal | Full | Horde |
The Scryers | Role Playing | Low | Alliance |
The Underbog | Normal | High | Horde |
The Venture Co | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Thorium Brotherhood | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Thrall | Normal | Full | Horde |
Thunderhorn | Normal | High | Horde |
Thunderlord | Normal | New Players | Horde |
Tichondrius | Normal | Full | Horde |
Tol Barad | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Tortheldrin | Normal | High | Horde |
Trollbane | Normal | High | Horde |
Turalyon | Normal | Low | Horde |
Twisting Nether | Role Playing | Low | Horde |
Uldaman | Normal | Low | Horde |
Uldum | Normal | High | Alliance |
Undermine | Normal | Full | Alliance |
Ursin | Normal | High | Horde |
Uther | Normal | Low | Horde |
Vashj | Normal | High | Horde |
Vek’nilash | Normal | Low | Horde |
Velen | Normal | High | Alliance |
Warsong | Normal | Full | Horde |
Whisperwind | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Wildhammer | Normal | Full | Horde |
Windrunner | Normal | Medium | Alliance |
Winterhoof | Normal | Low | Horde |
Wyrmrest Accord | Role Playing | High | Horde |
Ysera | Normal | Low | Alliance |
Ysondre | Normal | Low | Horde |
Zangarmarsh | Normal | Full | Horde |
Zul’jin | Normal | Full | Horde |
Zuluhed | Normal | High | Horde |
This is certainly quite a few servers to choose from, y the choice ultimately comes down to your desired personal experience in the game, especially when it comes to the newest expansion, Dragonflight. Whether you’re a new player who’d rather mingle with other fellow newcomers, or if you’re super into the hardcore raiding scene y want to dive in headfirst into the mosh pit of raid guilds, or you just want to chill y roleplay with friends, there’s definitely more than enough flexibility for everyone.
That said, here is the selection of US servers that we’d personally recommend:
- Wyrmrest Accord – If you’re absolutely interested in getting in to the RP scene in WoW, then this server is likely the choice you want. It tends to have a high population count, so it may be hit y miss in terms of you getting in. However, it has a pretty balanced demographic between Alliance y Horde, so it’s well-rounded across the board for anyone who wants to focus on roleplaying.
- Stormrage – While there are an abundance of PvE servers that don’t have a huge crowd, if you want to truly be in the center of it all, Stormrage has long been a super popular, Alliance-centric PvE server that can be difficult to get in to just because of that.
- Kel’Thuzad is another very popular Alliance PvE server that may have more wiggle room to get in, if you wish.
- If you prefer Horde-centric PvE crowds, Area 52 is the quintessential hotspot. As there are more Horde-leaning servers overall, their most popular ones tend to be full or nearly full all the time. You may want to start at a server with a smaller crowd y then migrate later if you want.
- Tichondrius – If you’re set on tackling the PvP crowds,…